
十大电竞游戏综合排名的年度 召开 is a beloved College tradition that celebrates the official launch of the new academic year. 9月18日, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, and alumnae gathe红色的 at the historic Riverside Church to embrace the 2023 fall semester — giving Barnard’s ninth president, 劳拉Rosenbury这是她卸任后第一次用不同颜色表示欢迎 到来 6月在学院.

新生和返校学生——穿上蓝色, 绿色, 红色的, 或者穿黄色t恤的人挤满了教堂, 兴奋地欢呼, 充满活力地迎接新的机遇, 探索, 和经济增长.

总统Rosenbury welcomed the Barnard community with opening remarks, 尤其是新生的家长, 谁主要看视频 转播画面. “我们的每一个学生都是有原因的. Thank you to the families and friends for entrusting these 学生 to us,”她说。. “We will be your partners every step of the way as these 学生 begin their remarkable journey.”


Reflecting on her own experiences as a first-year college student decades ago, she noted that her first dorm mate — whom she described as having a vastly different background from herself — remains her best friend today, 35年后. 总统Rosenbury then encouraged all first-years to find and create their own community, with peers who were no doubt probably seated somewhere around them in Riverside Church’s pews.

“Here is my advice for you today: Be bold in seeking out people with different viewpoints and backgrounds from your own,”她说。. “知道你是, 首先也是最重要的, 是关爱和理解社区的一份子, 它建立在共同的价值观和归属感之上.” 

“我敦促你永远记住, 从成千上万的申请中, 接近12,000应用程序, 你今天坐在这里,罗森伯里总统说. “因为我们知道你很正直, 情报, 爱心, 目的是成为一名杰出的十大电竞游戏综合排名学生. We know what you can bring to this community because we chose you. 我们将继续选择你,每一天. 我们会支持你的. 我们会在这里支持你.”

Herminia -帕拉西奥市 ' 83
Herminia -帕拉西奥市 ' 83, M.D.,英里/小时

在她的发言之后,罗森伯里总统介绍 Herminia -帕拉西奥市 ’83, M.D.他发表了主题演讲. Dr. 帕拉西奥是该公司的总裁兼首席执行官 古特马赫研究所 — a leading research and policy think tank dedicated to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States and globally. She is also an award-winning public health expert with more than 30 years of experience across academic and clinical medicine, 政府公共卫生, 和慈善事业.

Dr. 帕拉西奥,他的妹妹, 克里斯蒂娜·帕拉西奥,1973年, was a first-generation graduate of the College — sha红色的 that her time at Barnard was “an opportunity of a lifetime, a launching pad that changed [my] family trajectory in a single generation.” 

“无论你是进入第一年, 你的最后一年, 或者介于两者之间, 我邀请你反思你自己的“起源”故事. 你是谁?? 你将如何成长?? 谁将组成你的社区?”医生说。. -帕拉西奥市.

Dr. -帕拉西奥市 talked about what it meant for 学生 to live in a time of geopolitical strife and environmental challenges and to never forget to look out for each other.

“The personal and professional decisions you will make will be yours, 但你不需要单独制造它们,她建议道。. “确实, you should not make them in isolation — especially not in volatile situations or when unrest abounds.”

Dr. -帕拉西奥市 continued: “Look both ways, then look behind you, and in front of you. Look both ways to see who is extending their arms to catch you when you stumble, 因为你必跌倒,她鼓励学生们. “Look behind you to see who has set their shoulders strong and firm for you to stand on, 因为他们没有挣扎, 努力, 和生存, 徒劳地茁壮成长. Look ahead of you to see who is lighting a path you didn’t even know was there. And always look within because your joy, your strength, your boldness abound.(看一看 短视频采访 博士的. -帕拉西奥市.)


教务长 琳达一个. 贝尔, 谁分享了老师们的问候, invited 学生 to join campus 教师 “in the difficult and joyful work of learning; to believe in imperfection and the necessity of intervention; to study data not to prove hypotheses but to discover them.” 教务长 贝尔 then made two promises to the rapt listeners: “First, 世界十大电子游戏平台学院, 你的老师会一直陪着你. 和第二, that on those days when you succeed — and they will come — that you will see the world in a different way than you ever did before.”

谢丽尔·米尔斯坦,82届,2014届 校董会主席, continued on the theme of community and the importance of building relationships. “Look to your left; look to your right. 你身边有很多陌生人, 他们中的许多人会成为你一生的朋友,她对学生们说. “去了解教职员工, 谁会这么兴奋地支持你, 他们也会在今后的岁月里陪伴着你. 等天气转好了, 在校园里找一个你喜欢的地方, 你就坐在那里,沉浸其中. Savor the moments, the memories; they will sustain you.”


工作人员的问候是 詹妮弗·罗萨莱斯, 负责包容和参与式学习的副总裁, 首席多元化官, 和实习助理教授 教育部门: “By entering Barnard’s gates, each of us has joined, for life, a beloved community,”她说。. “这个社区是‘真实世界’的一部分,’ but it also stands out as an example of what community — at its best — can mean.”

美国总统 学生会协会 (SGA), Mariame Sissoko ' 24, 即使面对变化,我们也要分享这一点, 十大电竞游戏综合排名是一个不断为学生提供支持的社区. “Don’t be afraid to lean on each other and use the resources at your disposal,” they encouraged. “The beginning of a new school year means the possibilities are endless. 充分利用每一个机会.”

莱斯利Grinage, 学院院长, invited 学生 to explore all of the possibilities on their path for a new year at Barnard. “毕业典礼给我们带来了充满希望的期望. 给我们的新学生, this may be the hopeful expectation of all that your Barnard journey will bring,”她说。. “对我们的老年人来说, it might be the expectation of a joyous final year culminating in Commencement only eight short months later. And for 学生 in between — maybe it’s the expectation of continued growth and discovery, 伴随着更大的自信和自我意识.

“I’m so excited to mark the beginning of the school year and to attend the block party,24岁的Esha Julka说, a 计算机科学 major who sha红色的 that this was the first 召开 she was able to attend during her time at Barnard. “在毕业典礼和毕业典礼之间有很多时间. 最重要的是,熬过去!” 

“我很高兴能吸引人们, 不同的俱乐部, different classes — and to have some school spirit because this is a beautiful community,27岁的德斯特妮·阿里亚斯说, whose academic interests include history and political science. 

生物化学 major Chloe Allan ’27 gushed at attending her first 召开 at the College. “I feel like there are so many inc红色的ible experiences and opportunities that Barnard has to offer, and I’m really looking forward to taking advantage of as many things as I can.”

仪式结束后, 学生 continued the celebration at the annual Barnard Block Party on campus, invigorated by the speeches they heard at 召开 and ready to create memories and meet new challenges.
