欢迎来到课堂 with Professor 伊丽莎白·哈钦森

In researching the relationships between art, 权力, 以及文化历史, Tow Associate Professor of 艺术历史 伊丽莎白·哈钦森 explores what artistic objects can tell us about historical and contemporary issues in North America. Her scholarly work focuses on utilizing visual analysis, 历史的视角, and interdisciplinary theories in order to understand the importance of art in cultural events and debates throughout history. 

Through her course American Monument Cultures, Hutchinson invites students to examine the intersections between visual art and postcolonial studies and learn about the history of monument culture in the United States. “A monument that celebrates a slaveholder or a colonizer might seem to some to point merely to history, 致过去,哈钦森说. “But for others who are experiencing the ongoing legacies of those violent histories, these symbols structure their comfort and ease moving through public space.”

学生 in Hutchinson’s course study historical contexts to understand the role of monuments in public spaces and created digital projects centering a monument’s impact on a city or town. They also learn how to integrate virtual story maps, 时间线, and intensive research skills to produce projects that expand on course content. 

另外, Hutchinson uses this course to emphasize the crucial link between activism and public visual art. “What I hope students will come to understand is that works of art are 权力ful and they speak to specific times and places,”她说。. “I also want them to know that activism matters and to understand how change can take place in the [public art] landscape.”

To learn more about Hutchinson’s American Monument Cultures course, 观看上面的视频

- solby lim ' 22