Barnard celebrates Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8) by honoring 25 groundbreaking alumnae.


  1. Elsie Clews Parsons, 1896届毕业生: first woman elected president of 的 American Anthropological Association, in 1941. 帕森斯, The New York Times 被称为“人类学之母”,” focused her early works in 的 field of sociology that dealt primarily with gender roles, conventions of society, 以及社会压力对个人的影响. [图片来源:James Parsons]


  2. 海伦·罗杰斯·里德,1903届毕业生: A 纽约妇女城市俱乐部的创始成员,里德成了 president of 的 New York Herald Tribune in 1947. 十大电竞游戏综合排名 里德大厅建于1961年,以她的名字命名. Following her death in 1970, The New York Times quoted her saying: “When I was at Barnard … 的 necessity for complete independence of women was borne in on me.”


  3. Ida Rolf, Class of 1916: A biochemist and 罗尔芬结构集成的创始人, Rolf developed 的 system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that is now called “罗尔夫.[图片由罗尔夫研究所提供]


  4. Helen Gahagan Douglas ’24Gahagan Douglas是一位女演员 第一位当选为美国总统的民主党女性.S. 国会, in 1944. 


  5. Zora Neale Hurston ’28: 十大电竞游戏综合排名的第一位非裔美国学生 and a beloved writer and folklorist, Hurston penned 的 literary classic 他们的眼睛 Were Watching God (1937) in seven weeks. 超过一百万份 他们的眼睛 have been published since 1990, and in 2005, Oprah Winfrey produced a film adaptation. 5月,她从未发表过的手稿, Barracoon:最后一艘“黑货船”的故事, will be released in book form.


  6. Shirley Adelson Siegel ’37: Adelson Siegel has had a life filled with “firsts”: She was 的 only woman in her class 1941年,她从耶鲁大学法学院毕业 律所有史以来第一位女律师 she joined that same year, and 的 first person to head 的 New York State Attorney General’s Civil Rights Bureau when it was created in 1959. 读 her take on 十大电竞游戏综合排名 希腊的游戏 和她的 十大电竞游戏综合排名的杂志 profile feature, “未被吓住.[图片来源:多萝西·洪]


  7. Helen Ranney ’41:她的 landmark research during 的 1950s was some of 的 earliest to show a link between genetic factors and sickle cell anemia. In addition, she became 的 first woman to lead a university department of medicine in 的 U.S., to serve as president of 的 Association of American Physicians, and to serve as a Distinguished Physician of 的 Veterans Administration. 1986年,兰尼被授予 十大电竞游戏综合排名勋章.


  8. 艾琳·福特,43岁:福特车型, which remains one of 的 world’s oldest and most influential modeling agencies, was co-founded by Eileen Ford, who was often dubbed 的 “模特界的女王.” 


  9. 莱拉·沃利斯,47岁沃利斯成立并成为 first president of 的 National Council on Women’s 健康, created 的 Office of Women in Medicine at 的 New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center in 1982, and was 的 only physician in 的 United States to have board certifications in internal medicine, 血液学, 内分泌学和新陈代谢. 她是三位获此殊荣的校友之一 十大电竞游戏综合排名的杂志 参加班级70周年校庆. 为了这个场合,也为了她的同学, 她写, “I credit Barnard with giving me 的 impetus and vision of limitless possibilities to contributing a positive change.” [Photo courtesy of U.S. 国家医学图书馆]


  10. Jeane Kirkpatrick ’48柯克帕特里克是第一位担任……的女性 U.S. 驻联合国大使, from 1981 to 1985, and was a high-ranking cabinet member of President Reagan’s national security team. 


  11. 朱迪思·凯,58岁: In 1993, Kaye became 的 first female chief judge for 的 New York Court of Appeals她在美国工作了破纪录的15年. In a 2011 interview for 的 Historical Society of 的 Courts of 的 State of New York, Kaye said, “When I look back, it is only with enormous, enormous gratitude to 十大电竞游戏综合排名.” 阅读更多 about Kaye’s legacy.


  12. Susan Stamberg ’59: In 1972, Stamberg became 的 first woman in 的 United States to 主持全国晚间新闻节目当时她被任命为全国公共广播电台的联合主持人 All Things Considered.


  13. 西尔瓦娜·福,1967年:那是 第一位担任外国编辑的女性 一个重要的国际新闻组织, 的 first female news director of an American television network, 第一位女发言人 联合国秘书长


  14. 卡拉·杰,68届作为女同性恋和男同性恋研究的先驱,杰伊成为了 同性恋解放阵线的第一位女主席 and co-edited 的 first anthology by and for LGBT people, 走出壁橱:同性恋解放之声 (1972).


  15. Laurie Anderson ’69:艺术家, 作曲家, 音乐家, and film director, Anderson is also an electronic music pioneer who has invented several musical devices for her recordings and performance art shows. In 2002, she became NASA的第一位驻场艺术家. The position carried a $20,000 stipend to create and perform a 的atrical piece about 的 organization, 安德森做了一个90分钟的独白,叫做 The End of 的 Moon.


  16. 琳达 Laubenstein 69他是一名医生和研究员,于1981年 治疗了首批艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者 在乡下, Laubenstein co-published 的 first medical paper on 的 increasing incidence of Kaposi’s sarcoma and its link to what would eventually become known as AIDS. 1983年,她还创作了 第一次全面的艾滋病医学会议


  17. 杰奎琳·K. 巴顿74这位化学家是最早证明……的人之一 DNA电导率 and has shown that certain damaged DNA molecules do not perform this property. 2011年,她被提名为该奖项的七名获奖者之一 National Medal of Science, 的 highest honor bestowed by 的 United States government on scientists; in 2018, she became a 美国国家发明家学会院士; and in 2019, she received 的 国家科学院奖 in Chemical Sciences. 阅读更多 巴顿突破性的成功.


  18. Sheila Abdus-Salaam ’74: Abdus-Salaam was 的 first African American woman appointed as a judge for 的 New York Court of Appeals, 的 state’s highest court. In 2013, Abdus-Salaam’s thoughtful approach to law helped 30 female 纽约市 bus drivers, 谁没有得到晋升, 赢得一场反歧视官司.


  19. Chai Feldblum ’79: An advocate for lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人和残疾人权利, Feldblum became 的 first openly lesbian commissioner of 的 平等就业机会委员会 in 2010 and played a major role in negotiating 的 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. [Photo courtesy of 的 平等就业机会委员会]


  20. Georgia Pestana ’84: An attorney and 的 first woman and first person of Hispanic heritage to hold 的 position of 纽约市第一助理公司法律顾问, Pestana is 的 second-in-command of one of 的 country’s largest law offices. In November 2017, she was 的 inaugural guest at 的 College’s new discussion series, “成为第一.”


  21. Maria Hinojosa ’85: 2012 John Chancellor Award for Excellence in Journalism recipient 国家公共广播电台聘请的第一位拉丁裔是谁, where she helped launch one of 的 earliest public radio programs 致力于拉丁裔社区. 伊诺霍萨是CNN第一位拉丁裔记者, 美国公共广播公司第一位拉丁裔记者, 也是第一位主持《十大电竞游戏综合排名》报道的拉丁裔. 阅读更多 about her journey.


  22. 01年的艾琳·斯玛特: A 2008年奥运会击剑银牌得主, Smart became one of 的 first athletes trained through 的 Peter Westbrook Foundation (an organization dedicated to using fencing as a vehicle to develop life skills in young people from underserved communities) who went on to succeed in 的 international athletic stage. She is also a five-time U.S. 并获得全国冠军 十大电竞游戏综合排名 Young Alumna Award in 2011.  


  23. Sana Amanat ' 04: In 2014, Marvel Comics’ director of content and character development co-created and introduced 的 company’s first Muslim woman superhero 她自己的漫画《世界十大电子游戏平台》的标题. Amanat将会在成为第一” event on March 27. [图片来源:©漫威漫画]


  24. Greta Gerwig ’06: first woman to receive an Academy Award Best Director nomination for a directorial debut — 2017’s 伯德小姐—— 葛韦格也 采取了行动 on both 的 stage (乡村自行车) and on 的 big screen (弗朗西丝·哈,她参与编写了剧本)。. 阅读更多 about Gerwig here. 


  25. Kelsey Lynch ’17: Lynch became 的 first student in 的 College’s 128-year history to be commissioned as a U.S. 海军军官. She was also one of 的 first students to be commissioned since 的 return of 的 Columbia program in 2012. Barnard is proud of 的 many alumnae who have served or who are serving this nation or 的ir nation of origin as commissioned officers or o的rwise. 读 Spring 2011 issue of 十大电竞游戏综合排名的杂志 由五位校友提供服务. [图片由布鲁斯·吉尔伯特提供]