Headshot of Lesley 锋利的


2022年1月18日, 莱斯利的. 锋利的, Barbara Chamberlain & Helen Chamberlain Josefsberg ’30 Professor of Anthropology, delivered a keynote address, titled “Methodologies of Absence in Medical Anthropology: Mobilizing Elusiveness, 隐身, and Erasure as Methodological Praxis,'' to the Royal Anthropological Institute (UK) in her role as the recipient of the prestigious Wellcome Medal for Anthropology

In 2020, 锋利的 detailed the significance of winning the Wellcome Medal, medical anthropology’s highest honor, 作为 “Break This Down” interview.

The Wellcome Medal for Anthropology as Applied to Medical Problems is awarded to individuals who make major contributions to research in medical anthropology. 奖牌, along with a monetary prize, is awarded once every two years by the Council of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 锋利的 received the award for her book, Animal Ethos: The Morality of Human-Animal Encounters in Experimental Lab Science