以满足COVID-19对社交距离的要求, 十大电竞游戏综合排名从去年3月开始在网上授课, and fall 2020 was the first-ever completely virtual semester at the College. 未被吓住, student leaders and organizations have worked tirelessly to maintain community across distances. 像 学生会协会 (SGA)是学生生活的重要组成部分, having hosted weekly community forums and nearly 10 events last semester to discuss issues important to students, 比如 COVID应对市政厅 而且……”电子课堂的可访问性”研讨会. Consisting of 15 different committees and a council for each class year, SGA致力于维护公平, 问责制, 以及十大电竞游戏综合排名的学生领导力和生活. 

Zoom会见希恩·莉亚·贝洛克总统, 院长莱斯利·格林纳奇, 副院长艾米·卡多萨, 和SGA成员蒂扎·安德森21岁, Flosha Diliena Liyana Saran Arachchige Don ' 21, 丹妮尔·霍普金斯21岁, Solace Mensah-Narh, 21岁, 艾米丽Ndiokho ' 21, 和21岁的贾斯敏·托雷斯·皮农

这个月, we checked in with several members of the SGA to see how they continued to foster community throughout the virtual semester and take what they learned into the spring. 


卡梅拉Casaburi ' 23(她/她/她的) 

“一开始,虚拟学期确实把我吓坏了, especially now joining SGA 为 first time from my makeshift ‘Barnard’ in my childhood bedroom. 变焦疲劳, 政治压力, 缺乏社交互动, and pandemic anxiety are only a few of the hurdles that affected my own, 大多数十大电竞游戏综合排名学生, 身心健康. 作为SGA的学生健康咨询代表, it was incredibly important to me that during these unusual times we prioritize our wellness and focus on healing. 

话虽如此, 我和我的委员会进行了头脑风暴, 可访问的, and stress-free resources to make students feel supported and heard. 创建健康中心网站(十大电竞游戏综合排名健康Hub), @barnardwellness Instagram page allowed us to provide an abundance of workouts, 食谱, 冥想, 还有一些文章(可以按自己的节奏阅读). 例如, 如果一个学生不想接受治疗, no worries; download some of these apps and see what works. If a student needed a support group, we got it; check out our 健康活动日历罗斯玛丽·弗曼咨询中心 支持小组和他们的会议时间. 健康是我的热情所在, 也是十大电竞游戏综合排名的学生健康领袖, I was able to lend a hand to make someone’s day just a bit better.”


Anindita Das

Anindita Das ' 21(她/她/她的)

“I have always imagined myself being the rep for SGA’s 可持续发展委员会, but I never thought it would be during a virtual semester. Leading a committee during this pandemic has been challenging but a great learning experience. I organized all of our committee meetings to happen multiple times throughout the week so that everyone could be present despite time zone differences. I also had to be mindful of 变焦疲劳 and work to create a space where my peers felt comfortable expressing their views virtually. 的 可持续发展委员会 会员遍布世界各地, and their passion and collective effort further increases my desire to continue working with administrators, 教员, 让十大电竞游戏综合排名成为一个更可持续发展的校园.”



辛迪•埃斯皮诺萨 ' 22(她/她/她的)

“Even though we are in a virtual semester, student voices are as strong as ever. 作为信息技术的代表, I have been working closely with the 图书馆 and Academic 服务, 还有每个班的班长, to host workshops 为 sophomore and junior class years on how to research their major field and senior thesis, 以及写作和处理技巧. It’s been important for me to engage in community care and rest. I feel connected to different parts of campus through my friendships, 它们让我保持平衡和精力充沛.” 



阿瓦隆·芬斯特' 24(她/她/她的)

“在虚拟学期中担任学生领袖, 尤其是作为一年级学生, 一开始很吓人. 然而, I quickly remembered that the thing that makes a Barnard student who they are is their resilience and their undying desire to build an inclusive and intentional community. 无论是通过虚拟的自我护理迷你静修来建立联系, 琐事, and movie nights or stepping up to address and remediate social injustices within our own community, Barnard’s first-years have shown that we are kind friends and visionary leaders in the midst of global crises. Being elected to lead our class as 一年级班长 has not only been a rewarding experience and an honor, but it has also reminded me why I chose Barnard in the first place. 我爱每一刻, whether speaking with classmates over Instagram about issues they care about, 参加每周的SGA会议, 和班级委员会一起工作, 或者向管理者表达自己的担忧. Being a student leader is about supporting my peers in a year where nothing seems certain besides our support for one another, 我非常感激能有这个机会.”



“就像许多学生组织一样, 今年对我的理事会来说是一次调整, 因为我们已经习惯了在校园里举办面对面的活动. 在这个虚拟的格式中, we’ve stayed dedicated to providing our class with community-building events and a chance to feel connected to one another during this time. I’m so happy to be working with my amazing council members again, as this semester has taught me how powerful the Barnard community is. 尽管我现在不在学校, we remain committed to raising class participation and helping seniors celebrate our time at Barnard in unique ways.

“随着我们继续举办各种活动, 我们扩大了在社交媒体上的影响力, and provided frequent opportunities for seniors to chat with the council and get to know us! I am proud to say that we have also worked continuously to stay in communication with the 院长办公室, 世界十大电子游戏平台, Res生活, and others to disseminate information to seniors around deadlines and important events. 整体, I am looking forward to enhancing the senior experience and enjoying our last semester together at Barnard. 祝贺我们,2021届毕业生! 一定要关注我们@barnard.2021.”


编辑:艾米丽Ndiokho ' 22(她/她/她的)

“College during COVID definitely created major challenges and has changed the way I engage with SGA, 黑人剧团以及我参加的其他学生组织. 当我和我的同伴们世界十大电子游戏平台度过我们的时光时, while being away from one another and while chaotic events continue to take place in our world, I think I have become extremely flexible with myself and everyone I know. 而不是坚持“一切照旧”,’ the groups I’m a part of have gotten more innovative and creative with events, 比如23小时的Zoom音乐和在线寻宝游戏. 现在, I’m focused on creating as many joyful moments as possible and being more proactive in connecting with club members and friends!”

- solby lim ' 22