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Photo of Prof. BJ Casey

BJ Casey

The Christina L. Williams Professor of Neuroscience


Neuroscience & Behavior


BJ Casey is the Christina L. Williams Professor of Neuroscience at Barnard College of  Columbia University where she directs the Fundamentals of the Adolescent Brain (FAB) Lab and is a member of The Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School. She was one of the first to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the developing human brain, accelerating the emergence of the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience.  Her scientific discoveries have been published in top tier journals including Science, Nature Medicine, Nature Neuroscience, and The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and highlighted by NPR, PBSNY Times and National Geographic. She has received numerous honors and awards including the American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, the Association for Psychological Science Lifetime Achievement Mentor Award, the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Distinguished George A. Miller Award, the Society for Neuroscience Mika Salpeter Lifetime Achievement Award and she is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Science.   

Dr. Casey has served on several scientific advisory boards and panels including the National Institute Mental Health (NIMH) Board of Scientific Counselors and the Advisory Council, the National Research Council Board of Children, Youth and Families, and the National Academy of Sciences committees on Assessing Juvenile Justice Reform and The Science of Adolescent Risk Taking. Her work has been cited in amicus briefs presented to the U.S. Supreme Court on the sentencing of young offenders and she has presented to congressional staff on Capitol Hill, state supreme courts and federal judges on the adolescent brain.

Dr. Casey publications

Courses: Introduction to Neuroscience, Adaptive or Arrested Development of the Adolescent Brain, Senior Research Seminar, Independent Study